Code of conduct
What is this code?
The code sets out standards for the higher education institutions in their dealings with international students. Only institutions that have signed up to the code are allowed to recruit international students.
By signing the Code of Conduct, the institutions commit themselves to providing reliable and easily accessible information to international students about their study programmes. Specifically, this includes information such as accreditation status, quality and admission requirements, as well as many more important rules and procedures for international students.
The Code of Conduct is an initiative of the Dutch institutions. It came into effect on 1 May 2006.
Have a look at this list to see which institutions have signed the Code of Conduct.
Clarity about services
The education institution must make clear what services it provides to international students, such as help with obtaining a visa and a residence permit, housing, introduction sessions and student counselling. In their information materials, they must specify clearly what the associated costs for the services are.
More information
This video explains in more detail what the Code of Conduct in general means.
The full version of the Code of Conduct and information on what to do if you feel that your institution is not meeting the terms of the Code of Conduct can be found on