Program Image Applied Public Policy Evaluation

Applied Public Policy Evaluation

Short or summer course

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam mapmarker icon Amsterdam Research university
Institution Logo Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Many policy related empirical questions in economics are answered using detailed individual data and require analyzing individual behavior. This often implies that a causal parameters should be estimated to assess how a public policy affects individual outcomes. In many settings regression models provide correlations which only in special cases have a causal interpretation. In this course we discuss methods dealing with these confounding factors, such as omitted variables, reverse causality, measurement errors and non-random sampling. In particular, we consider limited dependent variable models, instrumental variables estimation and panel data models. We introduce the potential outcomes model, which is the most general model for defining treatment effects such as average treatment effect, average treatment effect on the treated, quantile treatment effects and local average treatment effects. The emphasis of the course is on identification, estimation and interpretation rather than a thorough treatment of the asymptotic properties of the estimators.






5 days

ECTS credits


Information not available

Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 1,000


Application requirements

Students are assumed to be familiar with the basic concepts in econometrics, such as linear regression, instrumental variables, panel data, logit/probit models and hypothesis testing. Preferably, students have followed an introductory course in econometrics at the graduate level, but students who completed a course in statistics or advanced research methods are also considered. Students should be familiar with a statistical package, preferably Stata.  

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 1,000
Information not available
Information not available
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
7 Jul '25 22 Jun '25 22 Jun '25


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Main address
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

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