Program Image Biology



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Institution Logo University of Groningen

Do you want to become an all-round biologist, or explore connections between different domains in biology to develop an interdisciplinary profile? If so, Biology in Groningen is the master's degree programme for you.
Integrative Biology Research ProfilesWith five pre-designed research profiles in Integrative Biology focused on interdisciplinary areas such as Evolutionary Medicine and Biological Data Science and Modelling, a Science, Business, and Policy track, as well as the option to design a tailor-made program, the MSc Biology offers unlimited flexibility to shape your personal study program.

Two Distinct Career TracksThe MSc Biology program has two tracks that prepare you for a variety of career paths:* Integrative Biology Track: This research-oriented track prepares you for a career in scientific research, either in academia or a company's R&D department. This track includes substantial individual research projects where you will learn to conduct scientific research from start to finish. You will develop skills such as exploring scientific literature, formulating hypotheses, designing and performing field or lab experiments, executing computational analyses, and presenting your research results. Before starting your research projects, you will gain in-depth knowledge in your chosen area of specialization by selecting one of the available Integrative Biology special




Master of Science


2 years

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601

€ 24,900

€ 20,500


Admission URL

Application requirements

Bachelor's degree in Biology or a related field. For admittance to the track Modelling in the Life Sciences, you will need a degree which contains enough courses relevant to this field. Information about admission possibilities and requirements for students from a Dutch HBO institute is published on:

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
€ 24,900
€ 20,500
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 May '25 1 May '25
1 Sep '26 1 May '26 1 May '26
1 Sep '27 1 May '27 1 May '27


You can check if you're eligible for scholarships that apply to this course.

StuNed Scholarship Programme

StuNed Scholarships for master studies, short courses and customised training programmes are available for Indonesian professionals with at least 2 years' work experience in a development-related organisation.


University of Groningen

Main address
Oude Boteringestraat 44
9712 GL Groningen
050 363 9011

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