Program Image Buddhist Mindfulness and Spiritual Care

Buddhist Mindfulness and Spiritual Care

Short or summer course

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam mapmarker icon Amsterdam Research university
Institution Logo Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

The increasing interest in Buddhist spiritual caregiving and mindfulness is partly due to a disproportionate increase in mental distress and decrease in wellbeing, and the promise and potential of Buddhist approaches to these topics. 

The current popularity of mindfulness is at a peak and quite encouraging. However, there is often a lack of authentic input from the ancient Buddhist wisdom traditions. This lack has become an obstacle to deepened, embodied experiences, and has made mindfulness techniques often mechanistic and have diminished their true value and effectivity. 

The Buddhism team at the VU aims to cater for the need and the demand for rooted mindfulness by enabling students to explore the holistic and authentic Buddhist tradition that base mindfulness in its natural home.

This course will introduce Buddhist mindfulness in theory and practice with special focus on Spiritual Care. We will learn about the basics of authentic Buddhist practice and mindfulness in context of globalisation; learn mindfulness meditation and practices; we further learn about Buddhist Chaplaincy in theory and practice and learn selected tools of applied Buddhist care such as Insight dialogue.   






15 days

ECTS credits

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Tuition fee

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Application requirements

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Tuition fees  
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Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
5 Jul '25 1 May '25 1 May '25


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Main address
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

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