Program Image Econometrics and Operations Research

Econometrics and Operations Research


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam mapmarker icon Amsterdam Research university
Institution Logo Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

What’s the impact of financial shocks like Brexit on inter-bank lending? How can hospitals make the most efficient use of the beds and the doctors they have available? How can production processes be optimised so that they make the most sustainable use of materials and energy?

Econometrics and Operations Research are tools to approach these questions in a quantitative way, so that you can make the best decisions based on the results of your research.

If you choose the Econometrics and Operations Research track, you’ll get a broad and solid foundation in econometric theory, as well as courses on the application of Econometrics in practice.

Econometrics and Operations Research is highly important within the field of economics and business, as it uses quantitative skills to solve problems and make decisions. How do we predict the next big stock market crash and how should we respond to it? How should a tech company price its latest smartphone so that it is both profitable and competitive? Besides learning skills such as mathematical modelling and programming; you’ll also learn to question decisions from an ethical perspective.

The Econometrics and Operations Research programme – at both Bachelor’s and Master’s level – has been rated as a “topopleiding” (high-quality education) by the Keuzegids Universiteiten two years in a row.




Bachelor of Science


3 years

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601

€ 13,920

€ 12,900


Application requirements

Information not available

Language requirements

IELTS overall band
TOEFL internet based

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
€ 13,920
€ 12,900
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 May '25 1 Apr '25
1 Sep '26 1 May '26 1 Apr '26
1 Sep '27 1 May '27 1 Apr '27


Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Main address
De Boelelaan 1105
1081 HV Amsterdam

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