Program Image Linguistics: Language, Literature and Education

Linguistics: Language, Literature and Education


University of Amsterdam mapmarker icon Amsterdam Research university
Institution Logo University of Amsterdam

The Master's in Language, Literature and Education responds to educational needs in our contemporary multilingual society, where specialised knowledge of more than one culture or language is increasingly important. The programme is designed for students who wish to pursue advanced studies in one of the major European languages from an acquisitional, pragmatic, and educational perspective. It provides you with knowledge and skills in the fields of institutional language learning and cultural education, and prepares you for enrolment in a grade-one teacher qualification programme. We offer specialisations in the following languages and literatures: English, French, German, Italian, Scandinavian, Slavonic, and Spanish.

Language, Literature and Education is a career-oriented programme that prepares you for a job in education through courses such as 'Cultural Literacies' and 'L2 in the Classroom' that help you explore how literature can be mobilised for educative purposes. It has strong ties with the Teacher Training programme: once you complete your specialisation, you can apply to the Graduate School of Child Development and Education's post-Master teacher training programme in order to obtain a grade-one teacher qualification in the language of your choice.




Master of Arts


1 year

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601

€ 18,810

€ 17,100


Admission URL

Application requirements

The Master's in Language, Literature and Education is open for application to all students holding a Bachelor’s degree from the UvA or from another accredited university, in:

- one of the languages the candidate wishes to specialise in with at least 15-20 credits in linguistics.

- Linguistics, with at least 30 credits in language acquisition and 15-20 credits in both linguistics and literature. 

Please see: > Application and admission.

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
€ 18,810
€ 17,100
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 Mar '25 1 Mar '25


University of Amsterdam

Main address
Gebouw E, Roetersstraat 11
1018 WB Amsterdam
020-525 1401

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