Program Image User Experience Design

User Experience Design


The Hague University of Applied Sciences mapmarker icon Den Haag University of applied sciences
Institution Logo The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Smart tools are a part of everyday life. People are always on their smartphones, using every social media app imaginable. Checking heart rates while exercising. Have you ever wondered what is involved with designing these user-friendly and meaningful products? User Experience Designers make these products more meaningful and user-friendly. We constantly ask questions like “How important is this to users?” “What is the added value?” “How can we make this application fun?” “How can we use technology to make everyday life easier?” There are two versions of the Communication and Multimedia Design programme offered by The Hague University of Applied Sciences . The first one is Interaction Design (Dutch), and the second one is User Experience Design (UXD, English). Both versions appeal to the creative power of students. Interaction designers use this power to create smart applications that can immediately be used. User experience designers are inventors of smart concepts. In both programmes, we are always looking for the best possible interaction quality between humans and systems. Both versions result in the same final qualification: Bachelor of Science. Does this programme appeal to you? Feel free to contact us. We look forward to seeing you in the next academic year!




Bachelor of Science


3 years

ECTS credits



Numerus Fixus

Tuition fee 2024/2025

€ 2,530


Application requirements

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Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,530
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Information not available
Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
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Information not available
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 May '25 1 May '25


The Hague University of Applied Sciences

Main address
Johanna Westerdijkplein 75
2521 EN Den Haag
070 - 4458888

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The Hague University of Applied Sciences institution image