Program Image Water, Food and Energy

Water, Food and Energy


IHE Delft Institute for Water Education mapmarker icon Delft Institute for international education
Institution Logo IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Food and energy production require substantial amounts of water. At the same time, water scarcity, and the decline of ecosystems threaten equitable access to food and energy.

You will examine water related linkages between food and low-carbon energy production, critically assessing possible trade-offs and synergies. 

Integrated approaches for land and water management will be considered in the broader context of land tenure and water reform processes, relating this to markets, technologies and social justice.

You will learn to critically analyse how changes in water and land allocation, to produce food and energy, shape processes of rural transformation and livelihoods of different groups in society. Depending on the profile you choose, you will learn to develop appropriate governance mechanisms and digital innovations; plan, design, operate and maintain irrigation infrastructure or develop and integrate new and existing forms of water-based energy, amongst many other subjects. In summary, this track aims for society’s transformation to more sustainable and equitable practices.




Master of Science


1 year

ECTS credits



Numerus Fixus

Tuition fee 2024/2025

€ 19,720

€ 19,720


Application requirements

  • A Bachelor degree at level B/B+ (US system) or upper 2nd (British system) in an appropriate field which has been awarded by a university of recognised standing. Exceptions can be made if a candidate is below this level, but has a substantial proven experience in the field of the programme and has a strong motivation to join the programme.
  • A good command of the English language, if this is not the first language. All non-native English-speaking applicants must satisfy the English language requirements for IHE Delft's educational programmes.
  • A strong motivation to successfully complete the programme.

Several years of professional experience in a field related to the programme's content is considered to be an asset.

Language requirements

TOEFL internet based
TOEFL paper based
IELTS overall band

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 19,720
€ 19,720
Information not available
Tuition fees  
€ 19,720
€ 19,720
Information not available
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
27 Oct '25 1 Jul '25 1 Jul '25


You can check if you're eligible for scholarships that apply to this course.

MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP)

The MENA Scholarship Programme (MSP) offers scholarships to professionals for short courses in the Netherlands.

StuNed - Master

StuNed Scholarships for master studies, short courses and customised training programmes are available for Indonesian professionals with at least 2 years' work experience in a development-related organisation.

Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan | LPDP (Indonesia)

Mahmoud S. Rabbani Scholarship

Conicyt Scholarship

Scholarship available for Master and PhD candidates from Chile. Tilburg University offers an additional tuition waiver.

CONACyT Scholarship


WWF Prince Bernhard Scholarships for Nature Conservation

Rotary Foundation

The Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation


IHE Delft Institute for Water Education

Main address
Westvest 7
2611 AX Delft
015 - 2151715

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IHE Delft Institute for Water Education institution image
IHE Delft Institute for Water Education institution image