Program Image Work, Organisation and Health

Work, Organisation and Health


Radboud University mapmarker icon Nijmegen Research university
Institution Logo Radboud University

The Master's programme Work, Organisation and Health (WOH) focuses on the behaviour and well-being (motivation, health and performance) of working people.

In this Master's specialisation you will learn to explain the behaviour of working people and to organise work processes in such a way that people can function optimally. We use work-, organisation -, and person-oriented interventions for this purpose. In this one-year master programme, knowledge and skills are provided using the scientist-practitioner model: you learn to base your own professional practice on current scientific insights and to develop a critical scientific attitude that will be of great value in the professional field. Experienced lecturers and professionals from the work field will contribute to all theoretical and practical courses. In addition to gaining theoretical understanding, you learn how to apply acquired knowledge to practical situations and to master the most important professional and research skills. You have a lot of input (and responsibility) into your own learning process.

This Master’s specialisation focuses on three specific (and interrelated) areas, which are clearly recognisable in the (inter)national professional field.




Master of Science


1 year

ECTS credits



Tuition fee 2025/2026

€ 2,601

€ 2,601


Admission URL

Application requirements

Information not available

Check when you can start and what you have to pay!

Tuition fees  
€ 2,601
€ 2,601
Information not available
Start date App. deadline EU/EEA App. deadline Non-EU/EEA
1 Sep '25 1 Jul '25 1 Apr '25
1 Sep '26 1 Jul '26 1 Apr '26


Radboud University

Main address
Houtlaan 4
6525 XZ Nijmegen

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