Programmes and courses in Dutch

If you are looking for a programme or course conducted in Dutch, you can check the following websites:

Dutch language courses for international students

A number of university centres offer courses in Dutch as a second language. The courses are specially designed for foreign students who have otherwise qualified for admission to Dutch higher education, but must first prove that they have mastered the language sufficiently.

The courses are available at different levels: beginners, intermediate and advanced.

The advanced courses prepare students for the state examination in Dutch, known as the NT2 exam. If you want to be admitted to a research university or university of applied sciences, you must pass this course.

Some institutions have additional admission requirements. They might, for example, set their own exam based on their language-teaching method. Therefore, you should always ask the institution for detailed information about its admission requirements.

Prices and links

The prices of the courses vary considerably. The costs for a complete series of intensive lessons can range from € 250 to € 2500. Often there are discounts for incoming international students.

Below is an overview of institutions offering NT2 courses, with their websites: