Dutch healthcare
Healthcare insurance
By law, you must have healthcare insurance. The type of healthcare insurance you need depends on your personal situation. You can access healthcare services with a Dutch basic public health insurance, a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) and with a private healthcare insurance.
Read more on our page about healthcare insurance.
Healthcare services
Emergency health care
If you are in a life-threatening situation, call 112 for an ambulance. In case you have a speech or hearing problem, call 0800 8112. You can type a message to the emergency call centre.
General Practitioner
For non-urgent medical complaints, a prescription for medication, or a referral to a specialist, you can make an appointment with a General Practitioner (GP), or in Dutch: Huisarts. Follow the steps below to find out how to do this.
- Register with a GP immediately when arriving in the Netherlands. You can search for a GP in your neighbourhood on Google. To register as a new patient, you need to make a phone call or register online on the GP’s website.
- Register with a pharmacy by calling or registering online. In order to pick up prescribed medication, you need to register with a pharmacy. You can search for a pharmacy nearby on Google and make a phone call or register online.
- Make an appointment. When you are registered as a new patient at a GP and at a pharmacy, you can make an appointment by calling the GP-office. The doctor’s assistant asks about your complaints and schedules an appointment.
- Go to the GP-office. Visit the GP-office on the scheduled date and time. If necessary, the GP will prescribe medication. The GP can also issue a referral or prescribe a blood or urine test for further examination.
Out-of-hours Medical Services
If you need the help of a GP and the GP’s office is closed, you can call the Out-of-hours Medical Services in your neighbourhood (Huisartsenpost).
Vaccinations & Examination for infectious diseases
Please see the website of the Public Health Department (GGD) to find more information about vaccinations and examinations for infectious diseases.
The medicine you are looking for might be easily available at drugstores in the Netherlands. Drugstores supply non-prescription medications. For prescribed medication, you need to visit the apotheek (pharmacy). Please find below some over-the-counter medications you can get at a drugstore in the Netherlands:
- Pain relievers, such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen
- Cold and flu remedies
- Allergy medications (nasal sprays, tablets)
- Digestive aids
- Bandages and medical tapes
- Vitamins and supplements
- Personal care products (oral care, skincare, hair care, hygiene care)
- Baby care (diapers, baby wipes, baby formula, baby lotions)
- Eye and ear care (eye drops, ear drops, ear plugs)
Dental care services
Regular basic insurance in the Netherlands does not cover dental costs. Only supplementary insurance can cover up to 100% of dental costs. If you have an EHIC or a private health insurance, please make sure to check whether dental costs are covered.
To find a dentist in your neighbourhood, go to www.tandarts.nl and enter your zip code. You can register as a new patient by making a phone call or registering online.
Mental health services
You can consult a GP with questions and/or concerns about your mental health. Your doctor can issue a referral to a specialist. Besides, many Dutch higher education institutions have their own teams of psychologists to support students. You can contact this team of psychologists at your host institution to receive help with personal and academic issues. Other organisations that can help you are listed below.
For urgent care:
- Call 112
- Suicide prevention Netherlands | 113
- Website Victim Support Netherlands in English Domestic violence or abuse
- Sexual Assault Center
Mental health tips & advices:
- Wellbeing | Home SACC (utwente.nl)
- Well-being - WUR
- 5 Mental Health Tips for Erasmus Students | ESNblog
- Managing Your Mental Health Abroad | Universiteit Utrecht (uu.nl)
- Well-being & Study (tudelft.nl)
- Health and well-being - STIP Social Sciences (ru.nl)
Other forms of support available in case you need psychological help:
- Chat anonymously with fellow students if you need a listening ear: https://en.frissegedachtes.nl
Ambassadors video
Studying abroad is an exciting and unique experience. But it can also be challenging. Especially in these uncertain times you can suffer from loneliness or homesickness. Student ambassadors Esther and Adelina share their experiences and advice on how to deal with this.